SrA Zane Grabans

Zane Hastings Grabans was born on May 17, 1992 and lived on a small farm outside Commercial Point, Ohio with his Mom, Holly, and sister, Mallory.  Zane graduated from Teays Valley High School. He was a member of the cross-country and track teams. He was very passionate and determined, dedicated to the sport of running, and enjoyed putting in hard work to be successful.  Zane never made excuses if he had a poor showing in cross country or at a track meet, but rather he would use that energy to work harder in practice the next day.  He knew making excuses was NOT an option for a poor performance, regardless of the weather conditions, level of competition that day or how he was feeling before his race began.

He loved Ohio State Football and the Boston Red Sox. He was a quiet person, with a witty sense of humor, although most importantly, he had the most contagious smile.    He served in the U.S. Air Force for 4 years until receiving his honorable discharge in May 2016.  He passed way unexpectedly just 6 days after his honorable discharge on May 13, 2016.  Though he is not with us today, he will never be forgotten, as he will continue to live in our hearts each and every day.