SGT Chad Keith

I can only tell you about Chad from my idolizing little sister point of view:

Chad was my hero growing up. He played with me and our little brother Alex; he stood up for us, and cheered us on. He wanted what we wanted for ourselves and championed for us. Chad loved art and was a very talented artist. Chad was always in a good mood, laughing and usually always listening to music.  Chad always wanted to join the military and once in the military he was going to make a career out of it and his next goal was President of the United States.

Chad loved what he did in the military. When we went to see him after he graduated basic & AIT he wrote a short story for me in my little journal about what it was like to jump out of airplanes.   Chad loved his family and his friends. No matter where Chad went, a good time was going to be had.  You could count on that. Chad did his best to make sure everyone was smiling.